A Critical Review on Chandraprabha Vati - An Ayurvedic Formulation
Herbal and herbo-mineral medicines are been widely used in Ayurveda. It has mentioned indications covering in a broader way. Rasa Oushadhi plays an important role in Ayurveda because of its rejuvenating property along with it provides immunization, long shelf life, and greater efficacy even when given in a low dose. One such classical multi-ingredient herbo- mineral Ayurvedic formulation is Chandraprabha Vati. It has many pharmaco-therapeutical applications. It is formulated with broad spectrum activity and is indicated in various diseases like Prameha, Arbudha, Artava, Mutra Vikaras, Arshas etc. Many formulations are mentioned in the name of Chandraprabha Vati. Chandraprabha Vati is Rasayana, Balya, Tridosha Shamaka properties and also acts as catalyst. It is truly a medicine for all diseases and hence called as Sarvaroga Pranashini and is also been used in ailments of reproductive health in both men and women. Certain researches have been done regarding its hypotensive and hypoglycemic properties. It also provides immunity and strength to the body due to Rasayana. In this study an attempt is made to gather and analyze the formulation having different varieties of Chandraprabha Vati from various classics along with its insight in their ingredients, dosage, indication and mode of action and its applications.
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