A conceptual study of Immunomodulation through Ayurveda : A Review

  • Nandini R. Assistant Professor / Consultant, Department of Kayachikista, Poornima Ayurveda Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Raichur, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Vyadhikshamatva, Immunomodulation, Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvrutta, Pathya, Apathya, Ahara Vidhi Vidhana, Rasayana, Panchakarma


According to Ayurveda immunity (Vyadhi Kshamatva) means the power of the body which decreases the damaging power of the disease and stops the genesis of the disease. Ayurveda a holistic approach of medical science is strongly emphasize on preventive and promotive aspects of health rather than curative. The main purpose of preventive attributes prescribed in Ayurveda is to improve immunity. If the power of the body to fight against the disease is less, various disease occurs and if the same is great, disease will not occurs or if occurs they were be of mild in nature. In present era due to modern dietary and life style factors there is rapid rise in immune disorders worldwide. The purpose of this review is to focus the light of Ayurvedic concepts in the modulation of immune system which is necessary to live a healthy life. The brief literary review of the Ayurvedic concept like Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvrutta, Pathya Apathya, Rasayana, Ahara Vidhi Vidhana, Panchakarma etc. which are essential in modulating immune system are taken from Ayurvedic texts and relevant journals for this study.


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How to Cite
Nandini R. (2023). A conceptual study of Immunomodulation through Ayurveda : A Review. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(11), 79 - 83. Retrieved from https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/2170
Review Article