Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis through Ayurveda
Our immune system has a very flawless system to keep an individual disease free. In auto immune diseases there is a flawed reaction of our defence system against our own body cells resulting in a wide array of life altering diseases. One such potentially debilitating auto immune disease with insidious onset in Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is one ailment which shows a strong association with the genetic factor HLA-B27. The disease progresses with symptoms such as loss of spinal mobility, peripheral arthritis and sacroilitis which ultimately results in reduced quality of life of the diseased. The exact signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis does not resemble with any disease mentioned in Ayurvedic texts but based on clinical presentation it can be consistent with Pravruddh Aamvata. Here, a diagnosed case of Ankylosing spondylitis having HLA-B27 positive presented with inflammatory condition having joint pain, stiffness, loss of mobility in spine and lower back, which was managed with Shaman drugs and Panchkarma procedures, the details of which will be mentioned in the full paper. Through this treatment promising results were found in the management of the disease without causing any adverse side effects.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aayushi Mogra, Shraddha Sharma, Pramod Bana, Aruna Ojha, Manoj Kumar Sharma

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