Ayurvedic management of Paripluta Yonivayapad - A Review

  • Malika Choudhary Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
  • Rashmi Sharma Associate Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
Keywords: Paripluta, Yoni Vyapads, Vata-Pittaja Vyadhi, Sodhana, Sthanik Chikitsa


Yonivyapad comprises around 70% of gynaecological problems and commonly encountered in the practice of Gynaecology. Among them some are causing painful coitus, dysmenorrhoea etc., and Paripluta is one among them. Paripluta is one among the twenty Yoni Vyapads mentioned in the classics. In this disease Pitta and Vata Dusti are considered as primary cause. It can be correlated to pelvic inflammatory disease due its resemblance of clinical features. PID is of public health issue, especially in developing countries because of its high prevalence, economic and social implication. Delayed management of PID may result in higher rates of miscarriage, chronic pelvic pain, STD, progressive organ damage and long term reproductive disability due to its recurrence.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.3.9
Published: 2023-04-24
How to Cite
Choudhary, M., & Sharma, R. (2023). Ayurvedic management of Paripluta Yonivayapad - A Review. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(3), 51 - 54. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.3.9
Review Article