Ayurvedic Management of Chronic Simple Rhinitis - A Case Study
Chronic simple rhinitis can be correlated with Vata-Kaphaja Pratishyaya. Treatment of Pratishyaya is either Shodhana or Shamana, According to Bala and Dosha of the Patient. In Pratishyaya choice of Shodhana treatment can be Nasya, Vamana, Niruhabasti, which helps to remove the vitiated Dosha from Shira (Head), Aamashaya with Pakvashaya and breakdown the Samprapti of Pratishyaya. Pachana medicine is prior required for proper Shodhana and Rasayana medicine provide best result after Shodhana. In this case of Pratishyaya the line of treatment is Pachana, Nasya, Niruhabasti, Vamana and Vardhman Pippali Rasayana, patient get started relief from first day of treatment and complete relief after Vamana and also not get the recurrence after completion of Vardhman Pippali Rasayana.
A Short Textbook of ENT diseases, Bhargav 2009:p.157
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Chikitsasthan 26/105,106,p.604.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Chikitsasthan 8/ 48,p.461.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Chikitsasthan 26/107,108,p.604.
Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhatta, Arundatta and Hemadri commentaries, Ramchandra Shastri Navre, Chaukhambha Ayurjivan Granthmala, Sutrasthan 14/4, p.232
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Sutrasthan 22/19, p.121.
Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhatta, Arundatta and Hemadri commentaries, Ramchandra Shastri Navre, Chaukhambha Ayurjivan Granthmala, Sutrasthan 13/29, p.217.
Astanga Hrdaya of Vagbhatta, Arundatta and Hemadri commentaries, Ramchandra Shastri Navre, Chaukhambha Ayurjivan Granthmala, Sutrasthan 20/1, p.287.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Siddhisthan 2/ 26, p.690.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Sutrasthan25/40, p.131.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Chikitsasthan 1/ Pad 1/28, p.37.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Sutrasthan5/63, p.41.
Charak Samhita by Agnivesh, Chakrapanidatta commentary, Vaidhya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya, Nirnay Sagar press, Bombay, Chikitsasthan1/Pad 3/35, p.385.
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