Effective Ayurvedic management of Katigraha - A Case Report
Katigraha is the commonest encountered disease. It is the condition which is characterized by stiffness, pain and impaired functioning of Lumbar spine region due to vitiation of Vata in Katipradesh. Even though this condition is not life threatening but it hampers the daily activity. Kati itself is one of the seats of Vata Dosha and the root cause of disease is aggravated by Vata. According to Ayurveda, it involves the Dushti of Asthivaha Srotas. About 80% of the industrial population and 60% of the general population suffers from low back pain due to their wrong posture. Case Report - A female pateint of 38 year old working as a tailor came to our hospital having complaint with low back pain which radiates to left lower limb, tingling sensation in bilateral lower limb, numbness in left heel region, difficulty in walking, loss of appetite, indigestion and disturbed sleep due to pain. Aim and objective - To evaluate the efficacy of Ksheerbala Tail Matra Basti and Murivennam Tail Katibasti in Katigraha for relieving pain, stiffness and impaired functioning of Lumbar spine. Result - Patient got marked relief in the pain, stiffness and tingling sensation along with improvement in walking. We will discuss the details in full paper. Conclusion - Katigraha is a common disorder of present era which is Vata Pradhan Tridoshaj Vyadhi in Ayurveda. Through this study we can conclude that Matra Basti with Ksheerbala Tail and Kati Basti with Murivennam Tail are effective in reducing the symptoms of Katigraha.
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