Vata - The Niyanta and Praneta of Manas

  • Amruta Madlur Ph.D. Scholar, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, Karnataka, India.
  • J. R. Joshi Professor & HOD, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Vata dosha, niyanta, Praneta, Manas, Mano niyamaka


Ayurveda is the most ancient medical science of the world. It is practiced to attain Chaturvidha Purusharthas namely Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Shareera becomes main Sadhana for attaining these Purusharthas. Ayurveda gives importance to both Shareerika and Manasika Swasthya equally. Vata, Pitta, Kapha popularly known as Tridoshas are chief functional components of the body. Equilibrium of these Doshas is very essential for maintenance of all activities in the body. When these Doshas are balanced, all activities related to body, mind and senses occur smoothly. With this, one can enjoy a status of perfect health and immunity. On the other hand these Doshas are imbalanced, they cause various diseases. Shareera and Manas are inter-related. Always Shareera follows Manas and Manas follows Shareera. Vata Dosha is known to be related with Rajo Guna and thereby we can see effect of fluctuation of theses Doshas in Shareera, results in different conditions. So, in case of vitiation of Vata, there is also vitiation of Rajo Guna which ultimately vitiates Manas and its attributes. So, it can be said that, Vata acts as the root cause of different Manasa Roga.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.4.11
Published: 2023-05-25
How to Cite
Madlur, A., & J. R. Joshi. (2023). Vata - The Niyanta and Praneta of Manas. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(4), 74 - 77.
Review Article