Antiviral with Immune Booster Therapy: Current concept for clinical care in Covid-19
Objective: Objective of the article is to provide a brief overview of novel corona virus, discussing the role of immunity in the pathogenesis, analyzing the comparative efficacy of anti-viral vs. immune- enhancer medicines and propose a stepwise treatment methodology of both these groups of herbs for prevention as well as management of COVID-19. Data Source: Ayurvedic texts including Brihatatrayi (Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita & Astanga Hridyam), Laghutrayi, Nighantus, published article in PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, AYUSH Portal, etc., were thoroughly searched for the compilation of information. Review method: Narrative and systematic methods for reviewing the literature and related published article was used Discussion: There is yet no proven drug for the treatment of COVID-19 and therefore presently medicines having substantial evidences are use for the treatment of COVID-19 on trial basis to assess best possible treatment. In this direction, this article provides a framework of treatment methodology according to Ayurveda for the prevention as well as management of COVID-19. Conclusion: The article provides details of anti-viral medicines and immune-boosting medicines described in Ayurveda and give the logistical approach for their sequential use to manage the disease.
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