To evaluate the efficacy of Jalaukavacharana followed by Khadira Prayoga in Vicharchika w.s.r. to Eczema
Vicharchika (Eczema) is a skin disorder with predominance of Pitta Kapha Dosha, with clinical features like Kandu, Srava, Pidaka, Shyavata, Rookshata, Raji, Ruja and Daha mainly in the extremities. It is the second commonest skin disease affecting all age groups, with incidence rate of 2-3% and high rate of recurrence. Ayurveda emphasizes Shodhana therapy as the main line of treatment in skin disorders. Raktamokshana is indicated as Rakta is mainly involved in Vicharchika. In the present study, two treatment modalities were selected to find out which is more appropriate.
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