Role of Trividh Rogayatana in the manifestation of Life Style Disorders with special reference to Charak Samhita - A Review

  • Swati Vyas Assistant Professor, Dept. of Samhita Sidhhanta, Faculty of Ayurveda, Mansarovar Global University, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Asatmendriyartha, Pragyaparada, Parinama, Trividha Rogaayatanas, Ayurveda.


Ayurveda is the ancient medical science of the world. It is first focuses on maintain health of human beings. Maintaining of health by proper using of Ahara (diet), Vihara (daily routine). Ahara or Anna maintain health by proper metabolism. Ayurveda also has classified the causes of disease into three main categories- 1. Asatmendriyartha Samyoga 2. Pragyaparada and 3. Parinama (Kaala), these three main causes of disease enable different kinds of diseases to manifest. Firstly, they lead to the imbalance of body / or mind by vitiation the Tridosha. The consequence of the imbalance is a disturbance of the basic biological principles. In Ayurveda causes of life style disorders are mainly Pragyaparada. Pragyaparadha are main causes of all noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension etc.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.3.16
Published: 2023-04-24
How to Cite
Swati Vyas. (2023). Role of Trividh Rogayatana in the manifestation of Life Style Disorders with special reference to Charak Samhita - A Review. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(3), 88 - 91.
Review Article