Nidanapanchakatmak study of Aamvata

  • Ashu Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Rog Nidan & Vikriti Vigyan, Guru Ravidas Ayurved University, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India.
  • Rakesh Sharma Professor, Guru Ravidas Ayurved University, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, & President, NCISM (BERISM), New Delhi, India.
Keywords: Aamvata, Nidanapanchaka


In Ayurveda there are various approaches to diagnose a disease; the concept of Nidan Panchak is one such modality of Ayurveda. Nidan Panchak helps to diagnose diseases at various stages. Knowing the definite Nidana (etiological factors), Dosha vitiation, Samprapti (pathogenesis or progress of disease) and to check it at early stage is given prime importance. Nidan Panchaka plays vital role to identify types of disease. It consists of five subtypes which are Nidan (causes), Purvarupa (Prodromal Features), Rupa (Clinical features), Upashaya (Therapeutic methods), and Samprapti (Pathogenesis). These five elements collectively or selectively help in making an accurate diagnosis. Aamvata is a diseased caused by Dushti of Rasavaha Strotas in which there is formation of Ama due to Jatharagni Mandya. The Aamvata condition closely resembles with Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune inflammatory condition characterised by symmetrical polyarthritis. Aamvata disease was first described in Laghutrayee by Acharya Madhava. Before the Acharya Madhava the concept of Aamvata was vague. Aamvata develops due to Dushti or Prakopa of Ama as well as Vata Dosha. As the disease Aamvata is very prevalent in society, it’s important to know the exact diagnosis along with treatment. In our current review we had tried to elaborate about the Nidanapanchaka of Aamvata.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.4.7
Published: 2023-05-25
How to Cite
Ashu, & Rakesh Sharma. (2023). Nidanapanchakatmak study of Aamvata. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(4), 46 - 48.
Review Article