Samskara (Karana) as a process, its types & effect on Dravya : Review
Health as well as diseases is dependent on various factors. According to Acharya Charak, the body is supported by three sub-pillars known as Tri Upstambha (Ahara, Nidra, and Brahmacarya). Ahara has been placed first in this statement, which shows that it is most important to maintain the life. Everyone desires a blanched diet. Ahara is responsible factor for human beings, in health and diseased state. Ahara is not only needed for the continuity of life, but also for Bala, Varna, Upacaya and longevity etc. In other medical sciences, food is considered important, but not the manner of eating and cooking. Ahara is a basic need for survival of life. For intake of Ahara, Ayurved has enlisted some special conditions which need to be followed to obtain complete benefits of the food. They are called as Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatan. In which Karana is the processing of the substances which result in transformation of the inherent attributes in Dravya. In this article we will discuss the Samskara as a Karana among Ashta Ahara Vidhi Visheshayatana for maintenance of healthy life as well as management of disease.
Banawarilal Gaud, editor. Charaka Samhita (Composed by Maharshi Agnivesh and revised by Caraka and Dridhabala), Vol – 2, Vimana sthana, Adhyaya 1, Rasa vimana adhyaya, chapter 1, verse 21, Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha: reprint 2021; 259.
Banawarilal Gaud, editor. Charaka Samhita (Composed by Maharshi Agnivesh and revised by Caraka and Dridhabala), Vol – 2, Vimana sthana, Adhyaya 1, Rasa vimana adhyaya, chapter 1, verse 21(2), Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha: reprint 2021; 259.
V. N. Jha, editor. Tarka sangraha Annambhatta, Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan Adi Sankara Nilayam, Veliyanad Ernakulam, Kerala; Verse 68, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi,108.
Banawarilal Gaud, editor. Charaka Samhita (Composed by Maharshi Agnivesh and revised by Caraka and Dridhabala), Vol – 2, Sharira sthana, Adhyaya 1, Katidhapurusheeya Sharira adhyaya, chapter 1, verse 27, Rashtreeya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha: reprint 2021; 585.
E-Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, Shashilekha vyakhya by Indu, Adhyaya 7, Annarupavigyaneeya adhyaya, Verse – 189 to 201, Software developed by National institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad.

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