Critical review of the utilization of Panchagavya in the form of Nutraceuticals
Background: In India Cow represents Mother Earth and is commonly called as ‘Gaumata’ because of its nourishing nature. In Ayurveda, since ancient time’s cow products have been used for a healthy body, therapeutic purposes and pharmaceutical processes. Panchagavya is a mixture prepared by using five ingredients derived from Cow. The three direct ingredients are cow dung, cow urine and cow milk and the two derived products are ghee and curd each of which represents ‘Gavya’ i.e., obtained from Gou (Cow). Each Gavya can be used individually or in combination with other products. Any product generated from food sources having additional health advantages in addition to the essential nutritional content contained in foods is considered as a Nutraceutical. The long standing consumer acceptability of nutraceuticals is brought about by their association with conventional medicine. Although the idea of nutraceuticals has grown in popularity recently, it has its roots in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine of ancient India. Aims and Objectives: This work is a modest attempt to employ Panchagavya as a kind of nutraceutical. Materials and Methods: Various books and review articles were referred to carry out this review. Results and Conclusion: A number of illness, including obesity, dietary and gastrointestinal tract abnormalities, leucoderma, wound healing, leucorrhoea, hepatitis, TB, ulcer, chemical intoxication, as well as other bacterial, fungal and viral infections, are advised for Panchgavya therapy. Nutraceuticals are substances that have physiological benefits or provide protection against chronic diseases. Using this concept, Panchgavya can be used as a kind of nutraceutical.
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