Pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies on leaves of Tagetes erecta Linn.
Background: Tagetes erecta Linn. (Asteraceae) is a well-known plant for its antihypertensive, antioxidant, antidiabetic, aphrodisiac, and hepatoprotective properties. To investigate the pharmacognostic, physicochemical, and phytochemical determinations of this plant's leaves. Materials and Methods: The macroscopic characteristics of the leaves, such as size, colour, surface characteristics, texture, fracture characteristics, and odour, were studied pharmacognostically. The cellular characteristics of the drug were studied using a microscope on both the intact leaves and the powdered drug. According to WHO guidelines, extractive values, loss on drying (LOD), total ash, water-soluble and acid-insoluble ash, and moisture content of Tagetes erecta leaves powder were determined. For the various phytoconstituents, preliminary phytochemical screening and qualitative chemical examination studies have been conducted. Results: TLC analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, saponins, and tannins. Microscopic examination revealed the presence of xylem vessels, vascular bundles, and phloem fibres. Conclusion: To authenticate, standardise, and avoid adulteration in the raw material, pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical screening of Tagetes erecta leaves will be beneficial. The diagnostic microscopic characteristics and physicochemical data will aid in the creation of a monograph. The chromatographic fingerprinting profile can be used to standardise Tagetes erecta leaf extracts and formulations.
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