Efficacy of Shrungatak Modak and Jatifal Oil in Ksheenshukrata w.s.r. to Oligospermia – A Single Case Study
Infertility is defined as the failure of a couple to achieve a pregnancy with regular unprotected sexual intercourse after 12 months or more. A recent study status on Infertility states that, 50% is related to reproductive anomalies or disorders in the male, in which 90% of male infertility problems are related to Oligospermia and other abnormalities in semen analysis. However, there are number of treatments like hormonal therapies, intrauterine Insemination and test tube baby. Available but it is cost effective and not surety is there. That is the reason today to explore Ayuerveda are mediator to treat this type of condition. As per Ayurveda, Oligospermia can be considered as Ksheenashukra. In Ksheenashukra there is diminished level of Shukra in the infertile couples. In Auervedic texts many herbal preparations mentioned in management of Ksheenashukra. Here a Single case were taken to evaluate the effectiveness of Shrungatak Modak to treat a Ksheenashukra.
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