Role of Ayurveda in management of Ekakushtha w.s.r. to Psoriasis: A Case Study
Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatologic diseases, affecting up to 1% of the world’s population. It is a non-contagious inflammatory skin disorder clinically characterized by erythematous, and rounded plaques, covered by silvery scale. It can be correlated with Ekakushtha which is having Asvedanam, Mahavastu and Matsyashakalopamam Avastha. This case is about Ayurveda treatment of a 27-year-old male patient with plaque psoriasis presented with erythematous plaques on the anterior surface of the legs, arms and forearms, front and back of trunk region. The Auspitz sign and Koebner phenomenon were positive. The treatment protocol was adopted as per Ayurvedic Samprapti (pathophysiology) and the patient cured completely without reporting any adverse events after 3 month of treatment. No recurrence observed even after one year of the halted treatment. The importance of a wholesome diet (Pathya and Apathy) as a health promoter is also revalidated. Photographic documentation was recorded with the proper consent of the patient during successive treatment and regular follow-ups. Altogether, multimodal Ayurveda treatment led to speedy and substantial recovery from a chronic case of psoriasis.
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