Sushruta’s concept of Seevana Karma - A Review Article
Ayurveda is eternal science and considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. Ayurveda consists of Ashtangas (8 branches of ayurveda) and Shalyatantra is one and foremost among them. Acharya Sushruta is considered as pioneer of Shalyatantra and contribution of Acharya Sushruta to Shalyatantra are innumerable. Ashtavidha Shastra Karma is unique contribution of Acharya Sushruta. Ashtavidha Shastra Karma includes Chedana, Bhedana, Lekhana, Eshana, Aharana, Vedhana, Visravana, Seevana.[1] These eight specific surgical procedures are useful in the management of all the diseases which require surgical intervention. In the present scenario though modern surgery has developed a lot but the basic concepts remain the same and they are base for these developments. Seevana is one among Ashtavidha Shastrakarma. Acharya Sushruta has emphasised clearly on Seevana Karma like its indication, contraindication, materials and the procedure. Suturing is the term used in Modern science for Seevana. A suture is any thread which brings into opposition two surfaces or tissues.[2] Suturing is a stich or series of stiches made to secure opposition of the edges of a surgical or traumatic wound. No surgery is complete without suturing. A lot of scope in developing suturing material told by Acharya Sushruta are on lines of modern medical science. Hence in this regard a small attempt has been made to through light on Seevana Karma and Suturing. This article summarises concept of Seevana Karma according to Acharya Sushruta.
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