Review article on Viruddha Ahara
Ahara (food) is the prime need for the sustaining of life. Ayurveda explained about Trividha Upasthambha (sub-pillars of body) and Ahara (food) is one of the important pillars for healthy living being. For healthy living Ayurveda emphasizes on consuming right kind of diet which provide health and nutrition. The diet which disturbs the balance among the body elements is called Viruddha Ahara (Incompatible diet). Consuming two food items together or a particular type of diet may tend to toxicity; it is termed as incompatible diet. Even incompatible diet should be considered similar to Gara Visha (Artificial poison). Viruddha (Incompatible diet) means substances which when consumed cause for aggravations of Doshas but do not expel them out of the body and bring about abnormalities in Dhatu (tissues of the body). The incompatible diet could be considered similar to poison and artificial poisoning if taken simultaneously and continuously. Due to western lifestyle there is extensive exposure to toxins. The present article deals with the review of Viruddha Ahara (Incompatible diet) referred in context of Viruddha Aaharajanit Vyadhis (Incompatible food induced diseases) and its prevention in Brihattrayi.
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