Review on Shaka Varga w.s.r. to Bruhatrayee
The vegetables are grouped under Shaka Varga in Ayurvedic classics. The Bruhatrayees are the most important books of Ayurveda classics. They are Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Astanga Hridaya/Astanga Sangraha. Most of the plants under Shaka Varga are of controversial botanical identity and some are unidentified. The Bruhatrayees included Shaka Varga under Ahara(food). The Shaka Varga includes Patra Shaka (leafy vegetables), Kanda Shaka (stem vegetables), Phala Shaka (vegetable fruits), Pushpa Shaka (flower vegetables) etc. Consumption of these vegetables helps to maintain the health in the healthy individual and helps in curing the diseases. Certain vegetables are Pathya (suitable) and Apathya (not suitable) for consumption. The vegetables are consumed for the nutrition and as the best calorie diet. The medicinal herbs are used in the small quantities and have huge medicinal properties. The present study is to review on the number of plants with their botanical identification and the Karma of Shaka Varga Dravyas (plants belonging to vegetable category) in Bruhatrayees.
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