Ayurvedic management of Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head - A Case Study
Osteonecrosis is a degenerative bone condition characterized by the death of cellular components of the bone secondary to an interruption of the subchondral blood supply. Also known as avascular necrosis. Avascular necrosis can be correlated to Asthi Majja Gata Vata and / or Asthi Dhatu Kshaya manifesting symptoms like Bhedo Asthi Parvanam (breaking type of pain in bones and joints), Sandhi Shula (joint pain), Mamsakshaya (muscular wasting), Balakshaya (weakness), Aswapna Santataruk (disturbed sleep due to continuous pain) and Sandhi Shaithilyam (afflicted joints) with Shiryanti Iva Cha Asthini Durbalani (destruction of bony tissue causing generalized weakness), Pratata Vata Rogini (other aggravated features of Vata). A wide range of treatment modalities have been mentioned in Ayurveda that are effective in such manifestations. A case of AVN with bilateral femoral head was treated with Shodhan followed by Brimhan. For Shodhan Jaladhauti, Bashpa Swedan, Vaitaran Basti and Manjhishthadi Niruha Basti was planned and Shashtishali Pinda Sweda and Panchatikta Kshir Basti were given along with internal medication. Patient was observed for symptomatic improvements based on the assessment done by the Harris Hip Score and the range of movement of the hip joint before and after treatment. The therapy provided marked relief in pain with improvement in gait and improved quality of life. Ayurvedic management provides significant relief and improves the quality of life.
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