Ayurvedic management of Gridhrasi with special reference to Sciatica: A Case Study
Background: About 70% to 80% of people in India report having low back pain, making it one of the most prevalent complaints. The most frequent intervertebral disc prolapse among the many causes of low back pain is referred to leg, buttock, or hip which frequently outlines the characteristics of Sciatica syndrome. Sciatica is similar to Gridhrasi, one of the most prevalent Vata illnesses, according to Ayurveda. Aims & Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in Gridhrasi. Materials and Methods: Single case study of a 44-year-old married man who had been visiting an Ayurvedic hospital for Ghridrasi of the right leg for eight months had previously been diagnosed with a diffuse bulging of the L4-L5 intervertebral disc. He had one month of Panchakarma therapy, which included Abhyanaga Swedana, Patra Pinda Swedana, and Tila Pinda Swedana in combination with Shamana Chikitsa. Results: After a month, the patient's symptoms were assessed, and the outcomes were good. The patient's general quality of life had also greatly improved. Conclusion: The mentioned treatment reduces Gridhrasi symptoms significantly.
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