Ayurvedic management of Urdhwaga Amlapitta (Dyspepsia): A Case Report

  • Shubhangini S. Kolar Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, BVVS Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
  • Shivaleela S. Kalyani Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, BVVS Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
  • Sunilkumar M. Chabanur Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, BVVS Ayurved Medical College and Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Urdhwaga Amlapitta, Dyspepsia, Narayana Ghrita, Sansakarasya Anuvartanat.


Due to various factors in progressive civilization of present day speedy environmental changes, adaptation of new food materials, change in method of cooking, atmospheric Pollution, encroachment of various chemical agents in newer lifestyle, occupational hazards have precipitated the trend of emerging diseases. Along with those tremendous stress and anxiety have significantly aggravated the diseases like Amlapitta, a GI tract disorder. It is associated with the causative factors like faulty dietary habits, sedentary life style & stress, Preserved foods, curd, excessive alcohol, caffeine, spicy, fast, junk foods & lack of exercise etc. A single clinical case trial with pre-test, follow-up, and post assessment was done on drug Narayan Ghrita, mentioned in Bhaisajya Ratnavali Amlapitta Chikitsa Adhikara was advised twice daily, before food for 15 days along with life style modifications like Ahara, Vihara, Achara was advised. By the present study it can be concluded that Narayan Ghrita and life style modifications helps in controlling and is effective remedy for Urdhwaga Amlapitta.



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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.7.38
Published: 2023-09-01
How to Cite
Shubhangini S. Kolar, Shivaleela S. Kalyani, & Sunilkumar M. Chabanur. (2023). Ayurvedic management of Urdhwaga Amlapitta (Dyspepsia): A Case Report. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(7), 199 - 203. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.7.38
Case Report

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