Pemphigus Vulgaris - A pragmatic approach through Panchakarma
Blistering disorders are a group of diseases presenting with vesicles and bullae over skin and mucous membrane.[1] Pemphigus describes a group of chronic bullous eruptions of the skin, where Pemphigus vulgaris is the commonest one.[2] Which is a life threatening autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering disease with a mortality rate of 5-15%. In Ayurveda all the skin disorders are collectively named under the heading of Kushta. Ayurveda Acharyas have described all the Kushta are having the involvement of all the three Dosha’s. But the signs, symptoms and the treatment depend on the predominance of the Dosha involved. Visphotaka and Agnivisarpa can be compared to Pemphigus vulgaris due to its resemblance in signs and symptoms. This disease needs early and proper treatment to prevent further morbidity or mortality. To control these diseases, generally physicians use corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs as adjuvants. Here, an attempt is made to study in detail about the disease Pemphigus vulgaris and its understanding through Ayurveda. Management of such diseases through Ayurveda is rarely reported. A case report of 32yr old male patient presenting with the similar complaints treated with Vamana followed by Virechana Karma along with Shaman drugs is presented in this paper.
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