To evaluate the effect of Nimbadi Pindi and Patoladi Kashaya Parisheka in the management of Anjananamika (External Hordeolum) - A Single Case Study
Anjananamika is a Raktapradhana Vartmagata Sadhya Netra Vikara caused by the vitiation of Rakta and Mamsa of Vartma due to improper Ahara and Viharas. The Lakshanas of Anjannamika appears to be similar to that of External Hordeolum, acute suppurative inflammation of the eyelash follicles and its associated glands of Zeis or Moll. It is a Raktapradhana Vyadhi along with the involvement of other Doshas, Pittahara and Doshahara treatment can be done. All the drugs in Nimbadi Pindi and Patoladi Kashaya Parisheka are Chakshushya and have Pitta Shamaka properties. The case selected in this study, patient has been suffering from pain, foreign body sensation, discomfort, congestion, mild watering and photophobia in the upper palpebral conjunctiva of the right eye. Nimbadi Pindi and Parisheka were administered once a day for 7 days, with follow up of one week in Anjananamika. Here, a sincere effort is made to evaluate the effect of Nimbadi Pindi and Patoladi Kashaya Parisheka. This study showed that both Nimbadi Pindi and Patoladi Kashaya Parisheka have significant effect in Anjananamika.
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