Kshudradhanya in Daily Lifestyle w.s.r. to Millets: A Critical Review
Nutrition is a crucial factor in both health and development. Better nutrition is linked to stronger immune systems, safer pregnancies and births, a lower risk of non-communicable diseases (including diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longer lifespans. However, the modern style of life and eating habits contribute to poor nutrition and health issues including diabetes and obesity. Millets, which don't make you gain weight and are also incredibly nutritious, can be employed in these circumstances. A variety of small-seeded grass species called millets are widely grown as cereal grains for human and animal nutrition around the world. The bulk of the plants that are frequently referred to as millets are members of the grass family Poaceae or Gramineae. Due to its abundance in protein, fibre, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, and manganese, millet is a nutrient powerhouse. The value of millets in daily life is discussed in this article. A few millet preparations are also explained in order to include them into daily life.
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