A Review of Annavaha Sroto Viddha Laksana w.s.r to Andhya
Ayurveda has given vividly description about the anatomy and physiology of the human in terms of Dosha, Dhatu, Malas and Srotas, Kostha, Kostangas etc. in ancient times. The physiology and pathology concept of human body cannot be clear without the thorough knowledge of Srotas. Therefore, from treatment point of view the consideration of Srotas are very important. Annavaha Srotas is one of the important Srotas in body described well with Moolsthan, Srotodushti Hetu, Lakshan, in Viman Sthan by Acharya Charaka. But Acharya Sushruta mentioned Moolsthan, Viddha Lakshana. The Stressful and busy lifestyle denotes almost all Hetus of Annavaha Srotas Dushti in terms of Annapachan Vikruti. According to Acharya Sushruta, Food carrying channels are two with their roots being Amasaya and Annavahi Dhamanis, if injured, it causes Addhmana, Shula, Annadwesha, Chhardi, Pipasa, Andhya and Maran. Aim and Objective: 1. To study the Annavaha Srotas in detail as per Ayurvedic classical text. 2. To know the Andhyata in detail and its interrelation to with Annavaha Srotas Dushti. Literary references are carried out from the classical text book of Ayurveda, various research articles and previous verse related to topic. The role of digestion & its blood supply related to that stomach. So, the other moolsthan as Annavahi Dhamani. Any injury to the Blood vessel in GIT, which may involve all over the body & that may lead to reason of Andhyata.
Singh Akhilesh Kumar, Concept of Agnimandya in Ayurveda, JPSI 1(2). March-April, 2012; 5-8.
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Sarangadhara Samhita Pt.Sargangadharacharya, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi.
Caraka Samhita, Cakrapanidatta with Hindi Commentary, by Pt. Kashinatha Sastri, Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya, P.V. Sharma. Viman sthana, chap-5, ver-8, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana Varanasi, 2006.
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