Role of Ayurveda in rehabilitation of Abhighataja Pakshavadha - A Clinical Management
Traumatic cerebral haemorrhage is an increasingly recognized complication of severe blunt head or neck trauma, more common with patient with motor vehicle accidents, which may lead to complete paralysis, paraplegia, hemiplegia or severe conditions end up with coma. In the present case history, a 43 year aged male patient was in coma stage after he met with RTA and he recovered back with right hemiplegia. So, he was brought for Rehabilitation through Ayurvedic lines of management. Hence for the same, assessments were done through CNS examinations and NIH scoring was adopted to compare the effect before and after the treatment. And specific treatment was planned which includes Panchakarma, diet regimen, Physiotherapy, Shamanoushadhis and was successfully treated with Ayurveda interventions with reference to Pakshavadha line of management as a rehabilitative management and significant results were obtained after 3 follow ups (total duration for 112 days).
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