Vishnukranta (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.) : A Clinical Drug Review
Vishnukranta (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. Convolvulaceae), has been documented in Ayurvedic pharmacopoeias which includes Samhita (treatise), Nighantus (lexicons), Chikitsagrantha (compendia of Ayurveda). This paper provides a collective information regarding Vishnukranta, its properties and actions like Budhi-Medha-Smruti Prada (i.e., enhances grasping, retention and recall activity), Cheto Vikarjita (Drug used for maintenance and treatment of psychological disorders). As a single drug, Vishnukranta is indicated in Jvara (fever), Krumi (worm manifestation), Vrana (Ulcer) etc. This review may enrich to documentary research and may provide collective and detailed information about Vishnukranta as is presented in Ayurveda classical texts.
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