An Ayurvedic approach for management of Cervical Erosion - A Case Study
Amongst various gynecological disorders seen by gynecologists in day-to-day practice, cervical erosion forms a sizeable group (60-80%) especially in a country like ours due to its poor hygiene and nutritional status. It is a condition where columnar epithelium of the cervical canal proliferates downwards and encroaches over the squamous epithelium of the portio vaginalis around the external os. Though mostly it is influenced by over activity of ovarian hormones but it can also be due to some bacterial infections of the cervix or because of inflammation. There is no disease given in Ayurvedic classics which can be directly correlated with cervical erosion but the best analogue can be with Garbhasaya Greevagata Vrana. A 32 years old patient came to the out -patient division of the hospital with complains of excessive white discharge and backache since 4 months. She was treated with Ayurvedic Sthanik Chikitsa - Yoni Dhavan with Triphala Kasaya followed by Yoni Pichu with Sallakyadi Taila for 14 days. Significant improvement was noticed after the treatment and restricted disease progression was observed.
Tiwari R, Buduru P, Karini BK. Yonivyapad w.s.r to Cervical Erosion- A Case Study. AYUSHDHARA. 2020.
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