Effect of Panchatikta Ghrita Guggul and Mahamanjishthadi Kwath along with Virechan Karma in the management of Ek Kushtha (Plaque Psoriasis) : A Case Report
Background: Psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, affects a vast number of peoples around the world. About 2% of the world population and 0.44-2.8% of the Indian population were affected by psoriasis in 2016-2017. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis that manifests as red scaly patches with white scales affecting body areas, including the scalp, elbows, knees, trunk, and buttocks. The Ayurvedic diagnosis is considered as Ekakushtha which is a Vata Kapha predominant Kshudrakushtha. Objective: The present study was intended to assess the efficacy of Virechan Karma as Shodhan procedure along with Panchatikta Ghrita Guggul and Mahamanjishthadi Kwath as Shaman drug in Ek Kushtha (psoriasis). Materials and Methods: Here an effort was made to treat a 21 years old male diagnosed case of Plaque Psoriasis since 1 year. He presents with complaints of red scaly patches with white scales on upper limbs, lower limbs and trunk with itching and burning. After a thorough examination, an Ayurvedic treatment plan was designed in the form of Panchakarma (Virechan Karma) and oral medication (Panchatikta Ghrita Guggul 250 mg twice and Mahamanjishthadi Kwath 10 ml twice daily). As the principle of treatment of all types of Kushtha is Sanshodhana along with Sanshamana drugs. In this study initially Virechana Karma was performed. Result: After Sanshodhana, Sanshamana drugs were given for 4 months, the symptoms such as itching, burning, eruption, scaly patches gradually decreased. PASI (Psoriasis area severity index) score was taken for assessment parameter showed significant improvement. The skin lesions of the patient was calculated by PASI score before starting the treatment was found to be 29.9 which decreased to 3.5 after 4 months. Conclusion: This case report showed that combined Ayurvedic modalities resulted in great improvement in overall condition of the patient and clinically safe and effective in the management of Ekkushtha (psoriasis).
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