Ayurvedic management of Mukhadushika (Acne Vulgaris) - Case Report
Mukhadushika or acne vulgaris, is a common skin ailment with significant physical and psychological implications, particularly among adolescents. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments in managing Mukhadushika. A 21-year-old female patient suffering from facial pimples, pain, and related discomfort visited Panchakarma Hospital. Despite prior allopathic treatment, no relief was observed. Ayurvedic assessments revealed imbalances in Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Rasa, and Rakta doshas. The treatment protocol consisted of Virechana (purification therapy) followed by Jaloukavacharana (leech therapy) and Shamanoushadhi (internal medications). The results showed a substantial improvement in the patient's symptoms, with the absence of black and white comedones, reduced macules and papules, and complete resolution of nodules and tenderness. The treatment approach, including the use of Sanjeevini Vati, Virechana Karma, and Jaloukavacharana, proved effective without side effects.
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