Ayurvedic management of Alcohol Use Disorder
Substance use disorders are chronic relapsing disorders, leading to significant impairment in psychosocial functioning. Nicotine and alcohol are most widely consumed psychotropic drugs worldwide. The common use of both increases the risk of noncommunicable diseases to many folds. Conventional therapies have not been able to alter the outcome of these disorders significantly and frequent relapses continue to occur. Hence there is a need to look at complementary and alternate systems of medicine. Ayurveda remains one of the most ancient and yet living traditions practiced widely in India and has a sound philosophical and experiential basis. The planning of an effective adequate management of alcohol use disorder in Ayurveda with the aid of Ahara, Vihara, Achara and Aushadhi depends upon the strength of the disease (Roga) and the stamina of the patient (Rogi). Here is an attempt made to explain a case study of alcohol use disorder with holistic Ayurvedic management.
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