Observational review on integrated approach in Post Stroke Management - A Case Series Report
Background: The common cause of hemiplegia is stroke which is of two types: hemorrhagic and infarct. However; there may be other causes like tumor, a space occupying lesion, thrombus or an embolus etc. Aims and Objectives: Integrated therapy approach which is Panchakarama, physiotherapy, acupuncture, occupational therapy in the management for stroke, is planned to facilitate the movement of Vata Dosha, by the obstruction of which the symptoms are manifested. Materials and Methods: 5 cases of Cerebrovascular Accidents presenting with stroke reported in Yenepoya Ayurveda College and Hospital are taken in the study, wherein an explorative observational study design was framed on basis of objective and subjective parameters of motor and sensory functions of the brain to observe the before and after effects of treatment. Discussion: The line of treatment is to bring back the motor and sensory functions of the brain. The treatment protocol included Panchakarma procedures like Snehana (Abhyanga) Swedana, Basti, physiotherapy, accupunture, occupation therapy and diet. Internal medicines boost the blood supply and natural antioxidants increase the oxygenation to the brain, rejuvenates the brain cells, and decrease cell death. There was a marked improvement in motor function soon after starting the Bhahya Abhyanga and Swedana procedures with Basti and the modalities of Physiotherapy and occupational therapy helped in fast recovery to facilitate and improve motor control and hand functions in affected upper limb, to maximize the person's ability to undertake his or her own personal self-care tasks and domestic tasks.
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