Ayurvedic approach for managing Indralupta (Alopecia Areata): A Case Study
Indralupta (Alopecia areata) is a disease characterised by patches of hair loss spread throughout the body and scalp described as Shirogata Roga (diseases of head) & Kapalagata Roga (Scalp disease) by Acharyas. It can be considered alopecia areata according to conventional medicine. Alopecia areata is considered autoimmune, making it difficult to treat with increased chances of recurrence. But Ayurveda is very effective with no side effects and minimal chances of recurrence as it not only treats the disease but also works on the causative factors (Nidan Parivarjana). The present case report is on the effectiveness of Shaman (treatment that pacifies the aggravated Doshas), Keshya (Hair nourishing treatment), and Raktamokshna (blood-letting) in the patient of Indralupta. A 16-year-old boy who had hairless patches on his scalp was diagnosed with Alopecia areata 4 years before by a dermatologist. He already took conventional modern medicines but didn’t get a satisfactory result. It showed recurrence after the stoppage of medicines. So, he came to Kayachikitsa OPD for Ayurvedic treatment. After 4 months of Shamana Chikitsa, Jalaukavcharan (Leech therapy), Nasya (medicine administered through nasal route), and Shirolepa (local application of Ayurveda herbs), complete recovery was seen with no adverse effects during and after treatment. In this case, hair regrowth from hair follicles was evident within 30 days of treatment. The collected data of this study suggest that Shamana treatment, Raktmokshan, and Keshya medicine can provide complete relief in Indralupta.
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