A review on Ayurveda dietetics for Amlapitta (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) by different Ayurveda classical texts
Amlapitta could be a commonly experienced illness of Annavaha Srotasa (gastrointestinal system) depicted in different classical Ayurvedic writings that affects people of all ages, genders, regions, and climates. The 21st century is regarded as the modern era due to which bygone eating habits and life style is totally changed. Indulgence of food articles such as over processed, under processed and incompatible dietary preparations are the root cause of most of the non-communicable disorders now a days. Ritucharya (a seasonal regime) and Dinacharya (a diurnal regime) were some of the dos and don'ts mentioned by Acharyas. In addition to being an integral part of the regimen of good health, the Ayurvedic teachings of Acharyas also included Pathya (healthy) and Apathaya (unhealthy) as a component in the treatment of diseases. This highlights the significance of Pathya (healthy) and Apathya (unhealthy) in Ayurveda. So, it is the pressing priority to know the Pathyas (wholesome) and Apathyas (unwholesome) of Amlapitta explained by different Acharyas.
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Kumar HK, Sridurga CH, Rao DB. Clinical efficacy of Baladi Manduram in the management of Amlapitta. Ayu. 2017 Jul-Dec;38(3-4):133-138. doi: 10.4103/ayu.AYU_201_17. PMID: 30254393; PMCID: PMC6153916.
Clarrett DM, Hachem C. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Mo Med. 2018 May-Jun;115(3):214-218. PMID: 30228725; PMCID: PMC6140167.
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