A clinical study on the effect of Lodhradi Kashaya on Madhumeha with special reference to Diabetes Mellitus (Type-2)
Introduction: Ayurveda describes Prameha as a disease entity which involves a number of diseases with various physical and chemical changes in urine. Madhumeha is included under Vatik Prameha where astringency is associated with sweetness in urine. The manifestation of metabolic abnormality as well as urinary tract pathology are included in two symptoms: Prabhuta Mutrata (excessive urination) and Avila Mutrata (urine turbidity). Sedentary life style, indulgence of Kapha-meda Vardhaka Ahara, avoidance of regular exercise, day sleep indicate Santarpanajanya origin of the disease. Methods: Lodhradi Kashaya with Lodhra, Musta, Katphal and Haritaki as described in Vasavarajeeyam is taken for this clinical study on 60 patients and its efficacy was compared with a standard drug metformin. Results: During the study it was found that both Lodhradi Kashaya and Metformin provided significant result in improving Signs and Symptoms like polyuria, turbid urination, Polydipsia, polyphagia, burning sensation, numbness, weakness, lassitude, pruritus, muscle cramps, and increased sweating. The test of significance shows that both the trial drug and control drug were highly significant at 0.1% level with p-value <0.001 to improve glycosuria, FBS, PPBS and HbA1c in patients. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of Lodhradi Kashaya and metformin w.r.t. objective sign and symptoms showed that both the treatments are almost equally effective to improve glycosuria, FBS, PPBS and HbA1c while Lodhradi Kashaya gives better clinical improvement than metformin in long term use in Diabetes. Lodhradi Kashaya is an efficient anti diabetic drug.
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