Case study on Hypothyroidism - A Srotorodh Pradhan systemic disease
Since the disease nowadays is more prevalent in women than man due to various causes in which menstrual irregularities is one of the common causes seen and since, the symptoms are very vague and hard to identify, the patients are unable to know the exact cause and approaches to doctor lately. Also, in Ayurveda it has no direct reference for correlation, so it can be just correlated with a Srotorodh Pradhan systemic disorder as its symptoms mimics the same. Here, a female patient of 47 years was taken under study for an integrated approach by Yoga (Setubandhasana, Halasana) and Pranayama (Ujjai) + Pathya Palan + Ayurveda medicines like Thyrogrit tablet, Kanchnar Ghanvati, Dashmool Kwath for a month and the symptoms and TSH levels were markedly decreased.
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