Ayurvedic management of Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis)

  • Urvashi Chandrol Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Gov. Ayurvedic College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Swati Nagpal Reader, Department of Kayachikitsa, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Gov. Ayurvedic College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Early stage Sandhivata, osteoarthritis, herbal medicine, Januvasti, physiotherapy


Sandhivata is the most common disease in the world which affecting a large population. Sandhivata term is derived from “Sandhi” and “Vata” which means when Vata lodges in Sandhi causes pain, swelling, restriction of joint movements. Clinical presentation of Sandhivata is closely mimics to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease. According to Ayurveda Sandhivata is a type of Vatavyadhi which more commonly occurs in Vridhavasta. In present era due to its chronicity, incurability, complications, Sandhivata become a challenging disease. Sandhivata commonly affects knee joint, hip joint, and it is more common in weight wearing joint among all joints. If knee joint involved condition become more painful. Early diagnosis of Sandhivata such as through symptoms or screenings, can often lead to better treatment outcomes and a higher likelihood of successful recovery. Timely intervention can help slow down the progression of the disease and increase the chances of achieving positive results within a shorter period, typically within 5-6 days. In the current study main aim to treat Sandhivata in early stage by herbal medicine, Januvasti and physiotherapy.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.12.35
Published: 2024-02-01
How to Cite
Urvashi Chandrol, & Swati Nagpal. (2024). Ayurvedic management of Sandhivata (Osteoarthritis) . Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(12), 236 - 240. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.12.35
Case Report