Ayurvedic concept of Manas (mind) in perception of knowledge
Maintenance of health is given prime importance in 'Ayurveda', for that both physical and mental factors are equally important, because the mind act in conformity with the body and the body acts in conformity with the mind. mind is not visible. Any kind of perception and functioning of sensory or motor organs is indicative of presence of mind. Without mind executing as a mediator between external as well as internal environment, soul does not acquire any perception. Ayurveda science strongly proposes mind as chief convener of all external and internal stimuli to body and a mediator for motor reactions to all these stimuli. If Mana is not doing it's duty, nothing is perceived. mind has two properties, namely Anutva and Ekatva. Mind is the seat of pleasure (Sukha) and misery (Duhkha). Understanding the concept of mind is important because balanced state of mind is the ultimate source of health. mind, soul and body are the tripod on which life depends. Both body and mind are the resort of pleasure and disorders.
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Sharma P.V., Charaka Samhita, first edition, Varanasi (India), Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1983; 47.
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Kushwaha H.S., Charaka Samhita Sutrasthan chapter 11, First edition, Varanasi (India), Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2005

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