Conceptual study of Anukta Vyadhi & importance of Ayurvedic Compendia in present era for the treatment of Anukta Vyadhi
Ayurveda is well-established science that deals with every aspect of Human life i.e., how to cure disease and maintain health. Anukta means unstated/unsaid/hidden. Anukta Vyadhi means the disease which is not explained in the Ayurvedic text. In the present era, due to drastic change in climate environment and standard of living, many newer diseases arise which is not mentioned in Samhita. To solve this problem, Acharya has stated that Anukta Vyadhi should be treated as per Hetu and vitiated Dosha and their Sthana. Concept of Anukta helps not only in understanding the classical concept but also set a base for understanding new diseases with a diagnostic approach.
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