Jalaukavacharana in Bartholin’s Cyst
A 33 year old women recently presented with a painful oval to round, well defined cystic lesion over right labia majora. On clinical examination diagnosis of Bartholin’s Cyst was made, which can be correlated with Karnini Yonivyapad in Ayurveda. She had a history of recurrence of Bartholin’s Cyst total 15 times in past 10 years out of which 12 times on her right side and 3 times on her left side and for which she underwent surgical procedure 3 times. In our texts Arogyavardhini Vati is well known for its effect on blood purification, liver, inflammation, digestive problems anemia etc. Kanchnar Guggulu plays a significant role in swelling, cyst and thyroid disorders and Jalauka (leach) counteracts the dominance of Pitta Dosha which is responsible for pain and inflammation and has many enzymes responsible for vasodilation, anticoagulant, anti-microbial property. Patient was treated accordingly with Arogyavardhini Vati, Kanchnar Guggulu orally, Jalaukavacharana (leech therapy) single leech weekly at the site of Bartholin’s cyst under proper observation and care and local wash with Triphala , Neem (Azadirac indica) and Haridra (Curcuma longa) Churna Kwath (decoction) followed by application of Jatyadi oil. After 2-3 sittings of leech therapy (weekly) effect of this Ayurvedic treatment was found to be very impactful.
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