Concept of Shodhana procedure with special reference to Guggulu Resin (Commiphora Mukul Linn.)

  • Pramod C. Baragi Reader, Dept. of P.G. Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana N. K. Jabshetty Ayurved Medical College & P. G. Centre, Gumpa, Bidar-585401, Karnataka, India.
  • Basavaraj M.S. Reader & Guide, 2Reader & Guide, N. K. Jabshetty Ayurved Medical College and P.G. Centre, Gumpa, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Praveen Simpi Reader & Head, Dept. of P.G. Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, N. K. Jabshetty Ayurved Medical College and P.G. Centre, Gumpa, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
  • Bandeppa Sangolge Reader & Head, Dept. of P.G. Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, N. K. Jabshetty Ayurved Medical College and P.G. Centre, Gumpa, Bidar, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Kalpana, Samskara, Shodhana, Guggulu


Ayurveda, the science of life is being practiced by Aryans from Vedic period. In the Vedic period Guggulu was a well-known drug in Indigenous System of Medicine. In Atharvaveda it is mentioned to be used both externally and internally. By just consuming the odour of Guggulu, it reduces many diseases. Many properties of Guggulu are described in our classics. Guggulu is the oleoresin of Commiphora Mukul Linn., a plant that is native to India. Its extracts include compounds known for their hypolipidemic properties, the Z- and E- isomers of guggulsterone and its related guggulsterols. Kalpana is the process through which a substance can be transformed in to the form of medicine according to the need. During preparations of various formulations there are various Samskaras which are to be done for potentiating the drug or the formulation. Among all these pharmaceutical processes Shodhana is one of them. In our text, for a single drug many process of Shodhana in different ways have been mentioned. There are different medias explained in literature for Shodhana of Guggulu. According to the media of purification the quality and pharmacological properties of Guggulu will vary. Depending on the change in properties the therapeutic effect may also vary. The present study includes collection of different concepts regarding Shodana of Guggulu as per various classical references.



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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v1i2.3667
Published: 2016-08-31
How to Cite
Pramod C. Baragi, Basavaraj M.S., Praveen Simpi, & Bandeppa Sangolge. (2016). Concept of Shodhana procedure with special reference to Guggulu Resin (Commiphora Mukul Linn.). Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 1(02), 59-63.
Review Article