Critical analysis of Srava and Gandha of Vrana with special reference to Madhumehajanya Dusta Vrana vis-à-vis Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the major health concerns of India gradually gaining potential to become an epidemic. At present, India has a stunning population of people suffering from diabetes which goes up to 101 million and by the end of 2045 it is expected to be between 124 to 135 million. As per a Cohort study conducted by Diabetic Federation of India 2/3rd of these diabetic patients suffer from Diabetic complications. When we consider these 2/3rd of the diabetic population who suffer from Diabetic complications, majority of them tend to develop Diabetic Foot Ulcers in their lifetime due to uncontrolled glycemic status. Madhumehajanya Dusta Vrana vis-à-vis Diabetic Foot ulcers once formed does not only affect the patient physically but can significantly negatively impact a patient’s quality of life by its presentations. Due to the non-healing nature of Madhumehajanya Dusta Vrana and associated infection, it discharges multiple secretions from its floor which results in morbid moisture in the ulcer further adding to its non-healing nature. The present article is intended to understand the same in detail regarding the Srava and Gandha of Madhumehajanya Dusta Vrana in detail as per Ayurvedic and contemporary science point of view.
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