A clinical study of Kumkumadi Tailam Nasya in Yuvan Pidaka w.s.r. to Acne Vulgaris
Yuvan Pidaka is a common skin disease which generally occurs during adolescence. Acharya Sushruta described Yauvan Pidika, under the heading of Kshudrarogas.[1] It occur due to vitiation of Kapha-Vata Dosha and Rakta Dhatu,[2] producing Shalmalika-Kantaka Sadrusha Pidakas over face. Swabhava[3] (natural status) has also been considered as one of the causative factors. Though the Tarunya-Avastha (adolescent period) is the age for Shukra Pradurbhava (manifestation of Shukra Dhatu) and Sharangadhara has mentioned Vaktre Snigdhata (unctuousness on face) and Pidika (boil) formation on face as Mala (waste product) of Shukra Dhatu.[4] It is correlated with Acne vulgaris[5] a chronic inflammatory disease of Pilosebaceous Unit. Imbalanced hormonal levels also play a key role in Acne vulgaris. According to Acharyas nasal cavity is a door to provide medicinal drugs to the brain, so Nasya drugs act on brain through cavernous sinus. Observing the Sthana-Samshraya and Vyaktasthana of the disease as mentioned by Acharya Sushruta,[6] an erudite physician always treat patients with wounds in places above clavicular region, showing pain and vitiation by Kapha and Vata, selecting Nasya line of treatment. Kumkumadi Tailam has properties which alleviate vitiated Vata-Kapha and acts as Rakta Prasadhak, hence Kanti Vardhak. According to Acharya Sarangadhar,[7] Uttarkhanda 8th chapter in Marsha Nasya Taila is Srestha as Sira is Adhisthan of Kapha, and also stated that Marsha Nasya Taila can be applied in Kapha or Kapha-Vata related Vikaras with Oushad Dravyas.
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Ambikadatta Shastry K, editor. Sushrutha Samhitha, Nidanasthana, chapter 13. Edition Reprint 2005. Varanasi: Chaukamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2005. p. 287.
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Tripathi B, editor. Sarangadhara Samhita, Purvakhand Chapter 5, Sloka 25,26. Edition Reprint 1990. Varanasi: Chaukamba Surabharati Prakashan; 1990. p. 372.
Gupta KA, editor. Ashtang Hriduya of Vagbhata. Vidyotini Hindi commentary. Vol.-2 Uttartantra chapter 32 verse 27-30. Edition 3. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Prakashan; 2011. p. 566.

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