A comprehensive guide to Andopanaha - A modified Swedana procedure that can be utilized in Panchakarma in various forms
Introduction: The Upanaha Sweda and Anda Pinda Sweda have wide levels of application in Ayurveda practice. Upanaha Sweda is mentioned by Acharya Charaka in Niragni Sweda type. Whereas, other classics like Susruta Samhita and Astanga Hrudaya mention it in the Sagni Sweda variety. So, combining both the views of Acharyas, we can interpret that there are 2 types of Upanaha i.e., Sagni Upanaha & Niragni Upanaha. Anda Pinda Sweda is a type of Snigdha Sankara Sweda. These two classically mentioned therapies are less utilized in many institutions due to various reasons. Here in this study, we are trying the sort out the practical difficulties and find the possible modifications of these classical procedures for their utilization in the modern era. Methodology: With the main intention of developing a Snigdha Swedana procedure having both the benefits of Anda Pinda Sweda and Upanaha Sweda, the Andopanaha is designed. Here in this new method, the Dhanya Dravya is replaced by the (Kukkuta Anda) egg white, which is also a good binding agent. Observations: Compared to the Anda Pinda Sweda procedure the contact of Egg proteins with the skin is more in the Andopanaha procedure. Which helps is more analgesic effects and anti-inflammatory effects of the egg proteins. Discussion: The paper is prepared by authors with the intention that procedures and standards of care must be updated with modern tools and technologies without violating the basic principles of Ayurveda. If the old procedures need any changes according to the modern era they must be followed for their propagation in the public.
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