A bird’s eye view on the concept of Nityasamshleshitha Dosha

  • Rashmi B.M. Associate Professor, Dept. of Roganidana, Shri Jagadguru Gavisiddeshwara Ayurvedic Medical College, Koppal, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Nityasamshleshita Dosha, Leenadosha, Avastha, Latent phase


Ayurveda is a time-tested science of life, which is a treasure of knowledge, explains about the homeostasis of Dosha, Dhatu and Malas in our body. Diseases are as old as life, Disease is very old nothing has changed, it is we who changed. They are nothing but the permutation and combination of the various components of the body in vitiated state. Roganidana is the prime subject that reveals the complete process of the disease in the given patient and then the medicine is decided. The word Nityasamshleshita Dosha is used synonymous with the word Leena Dosha. Leena Dosha is a unique concept explained in Ayurveda, which plays a pivotal role in the manifestation of the disease. We find this concept explained in scattered references of Ayurveda literature explained by our Bruhatrayees. Leena Dosha Avastha is considered as a latent phase of the disease, and if the physician understands this concept in a right time, physician can easily treat the disease properly without a failure in treatment approach. This present article is intended to introduce the synonymous word to Leena Dosha as per the new syllabus of Roganidana (framed by NCISM) and to highlight the Ayurvedic aspect of Nityasamshleshita Dosha Avastha in an elaborated form.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.12.32
Published: 2024-02-01
How to Cite
Rashmi B.M. (2024). A bird’s eye view on the concept of Nityasamshleshitha Dosha. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(12), 218 - 221. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.12.32
Review Article