Ayurvedic management of Alopecia Areata - A Single Case Study

  • Sushama Narlewad Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rog Nidan Evum Vikruti Vigyan, Govt Ayurveda College and Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
  • D.V. Hange Assistant Professor, Department of Rog Nidan Evum Vikruti Vigyan, Govt Ayurveda College and Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Alopecia areata, Indralupta, Ayurveda, Jalaukavacharan, Leech therapy


Alopecia areata is defined as patches of hair loss on the scalp. It is considered a psychosomatic disorder in present era. Today, the young generation is more likely to be victims of Alopecia areata, based on clinical grounds. There are many causes of alopecia areata, such as fungal infection, dandruff, scalp psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pediculosis, systemic disorders, autoimmune disorders, etc. It may also be seen as a side effect of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. A 16-year-old patient had patches of hair loss on his scalp. He had taken treatment with conventional modern medicine, but in vain. The patient was given Ayurvedic treatment for six months on an OPD basis, including Karanj oil for local application, Rakt Pachak Churna, Rasayan Churna, Aarogyavardhini Vati, and Jalaukavacharan (leech therapy). After a 3-months interval, regrowth of the hair was found. This study suggests that Shaman and Shodhan treatment can provide noteworthy relief in Alopecia areata, i.e., Indralupta.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.8.12.43
Published: 2024-02-01
How to Cite
Sushama Narlewad, & D.V. Hange. (2024). Ayurvedic management of Alopecia Areata - A Single Case Study. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 8(12), 284 - 290. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.12.43
Case Report