Ayurvedic management of Prameha - A Single Case Study
Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is one of the global problems of the present day and it is gaining more attention. It is expected to continue as a major health problem and leads to serious complications. India is one of the top 5 countries with the highest prevalence of DM. The IDF Diabetes Atlas (2021) reports that 10.5% of the adult population (20-79 years) has diabetes, with almost half unaware that they are living with the condition. By 2045, IDF projections show that 1 in 8 adults, approximately 783 million, will be living with diabetes, an increase of 46%.[1] The signs and symptoms of diabetes can be correlated to Prameha of Ayurveda. The management of Prameha is mentioned in Ayurveda as preventive and curative aspects. Ayurveda has recommended an appropriate use of Oushadha Yogas along with proper Pathya (wholesome) Ahara, and Viharas. On the same principles a patient was treated at OPD basis, this case report analyses the same. A male patient, aged 45 years, diagnosed case of Prameha 5 years back presented with dryness in the mouth, increased frequency of micturition, Excessive thirst, weakness of the body, and burning sensation at the sole. The treatment planned was use of Shamana Oushadhis along with proper Pathya (wholesome) Ahara, and Vihara for three months. After three months of treatments results were compared. There was a marked reduction in signs and symptoms like burning sensation, numbness, excessive thirst, and increased micturition.
IDF Diabetes Atlas. International Diabetes Federation. Available from: https://idf.org/about-diabetes/facts-figures/
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