To evaluate the efficacy of Shigru in Mutrakrichhra w.s.r. to E.Coli
All the Acharyas have described the pathogenesis of Mutrakrichha and Vasti (bladder) Rogas. Acharya Charaka has given specific pathogenesis of Mutrakrichha, that Doshas being provoked by their respective aetiological factors, individually or altogether reaches Vasti and Mutramarga and begins to compress on all sides and thus results in Mutrakrichha. The vitiated Doshas enter into Vasti, which is the place of Khavaigunya. Dosa Dushya Sammurchhana takes place and Mutradusti occurs. Dushita Mutra causes irritation and spasm of urinary tract and leads to difficulty in micturition. Sushruta in general has explained the pathogenesis of Vasti Roga and Vayu as the main causative factor. Samyak Apana Vayu helps in proper excretion of urine from Vasti and when this Vayu becomes Pratiloma (opposite) produces disorders in Vasti.
Ambikadatta Shastri. Sushruta Samhita, Ayurveda Tatvasandipika Commentary, reprint ed. Uttaratantra 59/ 3, Chaukhambha Surabharathi Prakashana, 2001;p.550.
Sailaja Srivastav. Sarangdhar Samhita , Jivanaprada Commentary, reprint ed. Puravakhanda 7/53,54,55,56;p.84.
Hari Sadashiva Shastri Paradakara. Astang Hrudaya, reprint ed. Chikitsasthana 11/31, Chaukhambha Surabharti Prakashan, Varanasi, 2007;p.675.
Sharma P.V, Introduction to Dravyaguna (Indian Pharmacology), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthana, Varanasi 1976.
Shiv Das Sen, AcharyaY.T, (Eds.), Chakrapanidatta. Dravyaguna Sangraha, Niraya Sagar Press, Bombay 1914;p.145.
Agnivesha, Charaka, Dhrudabala. Charak Samhita, reprint ed. Chikitsasthana 26/66,67. Chaukhambha Surabharti Prakashan, Varanasi, 1992;p.729.
Kritikar K.R, Basu B.D. Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol III, Periodical Expert Book Agency, Delhi, 1984.
WHO, Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials, World Health Organization Geneva, 1998.
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