Concept of Pittadharakala Sa Eva Majjadharakala - A Review

  • Nilkanth Thakare Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rachana Sharira, G. S. Gune Ayurved College, Maliwada, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Kala, Pittadharakala, serotonin, Majjadharakala


Sushruta has explained seven Kala, Pittdhara Kala is the seventh Kala which is Sthana of Agni and it is the part which is in between the Amashaya and Pakvashaya called as Grahani.[2] According to modern science it comprises of pyloric part of stomach and small intestine that means Pittadhara Kala can be co-related with mucus membrane of stomach, duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Majjakshaya symptoms are Asthisaushirya, Bhrama, Timirdarshana.[10]Asthisaushirya can be co-related with osteoporosis. Enterochromaffin cells are present in gut that produce serotonin in gut and then release it in blood. It reaches to the bone and binds with Htr1b receptor at the surface of osteoblast and decreases bone formation. So the study of this concept of Pittadhara Kala Sa Ev Majjadhara Kala will be more beneficial for treating the patients of osteoporosis.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.9.4.22
Published: 2024-06-15
How to Cite
Thakare, N. (2024). Concept of Pittadharakala Sa Eva Majjadharakala - A Review. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 9(4), 142 - 144.
Review Article